GEKKO 2.0 was a custom project for the Mustakis Foundation, which I completed in collaboration with Pablo Huilchalaf and Matías Faundes. Together, we built 8 line-following robots capable of completing the challenges proposed by RoboCup.

These robots were used in robotics clubs at the Mustakis Foundation locations throughout Chile. The project was sold with the idea of establishing a functional robot base in Chile and creating a quality standard for the children who would use them.

This robot consisted of 3 interconnected PCBs. The first was for the QTR with 8 sensors, 2 color sensors, and LEDs to adjust the brightness at the time of sensor readings. The main board included the Arduino AT-mega, H-bridge, multiplexer, and connected the 3 PCBs. Finally, it had a sensor board on top, which included the voltage regulator and output pins for lasers, OLED screens, buzzers, etc.

// Programming

// 3D design

// Electronics

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